Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Cupcake Compilations

My mom is considering opening a cupcake shop.  At this point she's just gathering ideas and trying to get a game plan together.  I think its an awesome idea and I want to try to find some inspiration for her and put together an idea board.  I know how many amazing design and craft blogs there are and I'm thinking there are probably some equally amazing baking blogs.  So I'm looking for suggestions.  If anyone has a favorite blog they think I should check out please let me know.  It doesn't have to be cupcakes, just any kind of decorative desserts!  I'll check them out and post pics of some of my favorites.  Thanks!


Ginger said...

I really enjoy looking through some baking blogs. I think my favorite one to peruse is www.bakeat350.blogspot.com
Check it out! So creative!

Kristan said...

Thank you Ginger. That blog is fabulous!